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Extreme Makeover of  Mill
Preston from "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" was incharge of the makeovers being done to the Mill.
  Some of the Mill Directors discussing the changes /improvements needed
The Mill
The mill, before the makeover, had a variety of artifacts from the past and the millers family was there to greet you.  The mill was a working mill that produced electricity until the turbine was no longer functional.  There are only a few pictures of the inside of the mill before the makeover. Miller's Family
  Meet Jacob, the miller and his family in the old mill.
Jacob at work. Miller's wife
Jacob bagging the grain. The miller's wife at grain entrance.
Makeover Work on the Outside and the Turbine
Drained Head Race
The head race had to be drained to install the turbine.
Turbine being delivered Group of workers and Directors
The turbine being delivered Mill Directors and installers.
A hole was cut in the east side of the mill to make room for  the turbine to be lowered into place. It took several experts and volunteers to get it in correct alignment.
Turbine installed
It took many bolts to anchor the turbine in place. Finally installed.
Trough bringing water to wheel. Landscaping around the trough.
The trough finally in place. Finishing up the landscaping after the trough was completed.
Inside of Mill After Makeover
Mill entrance, grain door mill grain chute and bagging area
Mill entrance. Grain chute and bagging area.
Miller's podium Table presented to mill be "Extreme Makeover"
Inside mill to the left. Director's meeting table.
Old tools Signed by Extreme Makeover crew.
A diaplay of a variety of old tools used in the mill. Whipple signed by Extreme Makeover crew is hanging in mill.
Grinder for grain lower level of mill
Grinder determines texture and size of grain Lower level of mill.