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The Dundee Mill & Park is owned by the Town of Osceola .  Restoration began in 1990 when a group of volunteers had the goal of restoring an old mill. Their aim was to preserve a part of Wisconsin’s heritage for future generations so they may learn about a time when life was without modern technology.   In 1996 the mill was declared a Town Historical Site and the Partners of the Dundee Mill and Park, Inc. was created by the town as non-profit, non-stock, tax exempt, corporation to maintain, restore, and preserve Dundee Mill and Park.

Current Partners of the Dundee Mill and Park, Inc.
Pat Brown, President
Lenny Riemersma, Vice President
Nancy Durn, Secretary
Sue Hafermann, Treasurer

Debbie Flitter
Mark Hafermann
Jean Timpel
Larry Brown
Jerry Wick
Troy Kruzick
Maureen Beck
Rachael Koepke
Karen Wenger
Tom Hinchcliff